HEAP/Winter Crisis/Summer Crisis/PIPP Plus/LiHwap
Call (419) 928-3236 or log on to ohcac.itfrontdesk.com to schedule an appointment.
Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP)
The Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) is administered by Ohio Heartland Community Action Commission (OHCAC) located at one of our tri-county locations - Marian Clark CAC, Crawford Egner CAC and Morrow County Neighborhood CAC.
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The Home Energy Assistance Program is a federally funded program designed to help low-income Ohioans with their winter heating bills. The program runs from July 1 to March 31. CLICK for more.
Winter Crisis Program (WCP)
Also called Emergency HEAP The Winter Crisis Program provides financial assistance to income-eligible households that are threatened with disconnection of their heating source; have already had service disconnected; need to establish new service or pay to transfer service; or in the case of bulk fuel customers, only have 25 percent or less of the tank’s fuel capacity on hand. The WCP program year runs from November 1 to March 31. OHCAC has until April 15 to finish processing incomplete or pending applications.
Summer Crisis Program (SCP)
The Summer Crisis Program provides financial assistance to income-eligible households determined eligible by the current SCP State Issued Grant Agreement, Exhibit 1, Scope of Work. The SCP program year runs from July 1 to August 31. OHCAC has until September 15 to finish processing any incomplete or pending applications.
Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus)
The percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus helps income-eligible Ohioans manage their energy bills year-round. The program allows eligible Ohioans to pay their energy bill based on a percentage of their income each month. To be eligible for the program, a customer must receive his/her electric or gas service from a company regulated by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), must have a total household income which is at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, and must apply for all energy assistance programs for which he or she is eligible. For Gas PIPP Plus, the utility must be a primary heat source.
NOTE: Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) eligibility remains at 150% of poverty.
For Assistance, please call your local county CAC office.
Please click here to view a list of all HEAP Required Documentation.